Friday, June 8, 2012

Short Ribs

1 tsp Salt (Price Shopper Brand)I have used table salt for this recipe.
I usually acquire the service of kosher salt, but that was left in the van which was over an hour away with the wife.
2 tsp Powder Onion (Badia)
I do one of two things depending on what I have. One if I have dehydrated onion flakes I could grind those either in the mortal & pistol, or the coffee grinder. Second, just use onion powder already made. I guess one could make their own onion powder, but that takes a little bit of time.
1/4th Black Peppercorns, India Special Extra Bold (Penzeys Spices)
2 tsp Dill Weed (Dried) (McCormick)
Fresh is supposed to taste better. Most herbs fresh is better, but in the case of grilling dried herbs should with stand the heats better than fresh, so one can used dried dill weed.
1 tsp Ground Sage(McCormick)
I like using dried ground sage on flavor profiles especially for rubs.
1 tbs Paprika (McCormick) & 1/4th tsp Paprika Smoked Spanish Style (Penzeys Spices)
I decided to use both types of Paprika. Part of the reason is that I love the taste of paprika. I also love a smokey taste, but do not want to use half of the teeny tiny bottle of the Spanish style paprika.
Of course there are the short ribs that I have used. I had sides such as Brussels sprouts, zucchini, yellow squash, and pasta.
As far as the Short Ribs. I picked them up frozen at a farmers market and the farm was Long Lesson Farm. The claim that they bring forth is no GMO, no grain, no hormones and yes to plenty of grass that they eat. Their website has an online tour of their farm, which shows the cows in their environment.
The Instructions:
  1. Grind the peppercorns.
  2. Mix all the spices together.
  3. First sprinkle on each side of the short ribs, and of course the sides. Then give a massage to the ribs.
  4. I took a garlic nob (last second) and placed on each side. Wrapped the whole thing together for 3 hours (could be 24 hrs could be shorter.) with plastic wrap.
  5. I grilled this piece of meat. I used my small, cheap grill that cost about twenty dollars at K-mart. I laid out each piece of charcoal on about 3/4th of the surface space. As one can see the bag of charcoal. I use Kingston. Not only Kingston but their original brand. If I want a wood taste I'll add wood. The quick match lite ones even in their brand. No good in my opinion. Maybe quick to start, but quick to end too. (Maybe I'll try adding them in when smoking. Not in the beginning but more of the middle.) Also, I have tried Target's brand. Not as good.
  6. Start the fire. Now I used fluid for this, but if I wasn't going to. I would get a chimney to help start the fire. In any case wait till 95% of the coals are white.
  7. I try to get any cow meat off at a medium rare or till tender depending on the cut.
  8. Let it sit for a short bit before cutting into it.

Ribs, tonight.

I am neurotic.

I am a bad perfectionist.

I have so many thoughts going through my head it is insane.

I got a pound of a rib of beef at the farmers market.

Its not a lot of meat, but the only people that is going to eat this. Is me (I am eating less meat theses days), and my 3 and 2 year old sons.

I am going to grill this piece of meat (on a cheap dinky grill). I know what you are thinking, but I don't care, don't want to use the big cool smoking grill.

I promise to start posing pictures, and coolness soon.

My plan is to show pictures of the food, and tools used to

This might take a day or two, because I also plan on doing research on each food used. And the labels that can be found on them as well.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Introduction II

I was about to explain the changing of my food bible, in sorts.

There are two main avenues of weight loss.
  1. Eating Habits
  2. Exercise Habits

I have created rules in the regards to on how I eat. Eating less calories is one thing, and even watching how much I am snacking. The point isn't just about losing weight, but living a better healthier life style. If I was just to eat less calories I could adopt the Atkins diet, and live on yummy meat, and high protein foods all day.

The rules state (which sometimes can people broken):

  1. Remain positive:
    If I over eat one day. It is ok, and jump right back into it the next day. Remember eating is about the average. How much exercise gets on an average day. How much someone eats on an average day.

  2. Fast Food is a no go:
    This one is easy in some ways. The only fast food place I remotely offered my wallet to was Taco Bell. So, no thanks any more. Though, I did need to limit going out to restaurants. I am somewhat of a foodie, not to sure though.

  3. Processed & Prepared Foods:
    These are a whole bunch of troubles. This is part easy and part hard. Is a juice drink highly processed, even if it says all natural. What about peanut butter and bread? One of the reasons why this is easy is because I have stopped eating the egos, pizza bagels, and other frozen foods a while ago. Then there is items such as peanut butter. For the most part I like cooking, and knowing what is in the food I eat. If I could make a loaf of bread a week I would, and even roast my own peanuts to make peanut butter. But I can't. So depending on the ingredients and what I can afford. We go to all natural as best as possible. Peanut butter is affordable and even bread to get to all natural. White bread was a no good, which I prefer rye any ways.
  4. Diet Food:
    Diet food are akin to processed and prepared foods. Need to look at the ingredients is a factor, but at the end of the day I don't trust diet foods, nor do I care for them. If I am going to eat 100 calories. I rather eat fruit or nuts. The idea is to eat healthy not just junk food. That is a 100 calorie pack is. Plus, some low fat yogurts, ice creams, and other foods are loaded with sugar not fat.
  5. Meat:
    I love that yummy high protein, saturated fatty, yummy food. Some people will extend this to mild and eggs as well. I don't drink enough milk to care, and I love eggs. I limit eggs to one in a day. As far as meat goes. I have decided to limit how much meat I eat for the most part. If I go out and eat there is a change of oz. For the most part the limit is 3 oz a day if the type of meat is red, or chicken. Chicken can be a little bit more depending if I make sausage (I grind my own sausage, and I know what goes in it.) I have replaced a lot of the red meat and poultry with fish as well, where I can eat about 3 to 6 oz for a serving. Now the so called organics come into play or all natural fed grass, grazing, and not torturistic animals. This is a quandary. I can't afford to do this all the time, or even most of the time, but once the summer hits, which is now. Farmer Markets are going to be popping up. This is a great time to get these products. Which will be done.
  6. Fruit, Veggies, & Nuts:
    As long as I stay near caloric intake I can eat as much fruit and veggies as possible. They are full of the nutrients and minerals needed. Nuts are a good snack, but not to much, just a serving or two. They are great sources for protein, and healthy fats. Of course I try to roast my own almonds. But not peanuts, sunflower seeds, pistachio, and etc....
  7. Portion Control:
    For me to say processed foods, fast food, and diet foods are all a no go is easy. This is not what I consume. Portion control is the hardest aspect to losing weight. I do not stop at 3 0z of meat, and its not like I stop eating at night, or in between meals. I use SparkPeople to log in what I eat and how much. This social site also allows to keep track of fat, carbs, and protein. Will power comes in handy as well, and trying to keep busy. So my belly doesn't rumble.
Exercise habits had to change as well. Living a sedentary life, is just as bad as eating way to much.
  1. Walking:
    Adding a walking regime to most of the week, at least a mile. Turns out I am walking about 7 to 10 miles a week. This is done with the family, or my self.This could evolve to running but we will see.

  2. Family Activities:
    This can be considered walking, but also means playing with the kids more. Like playing chase, breaking out in a lite jog. Also, this means getting back to what I enjoyed as a child. Hiking & camping! My kids are 4, 2, and 6 months, so the deal is we are starting slow to get them involved. So they can get used to it. Of course museums, shopping, etc... all count as well.
  3. Wii Fit Plus:
    Wii Fit was great to start the ball rolling. Before I had a scale that was good. I also can do things when the kids are sleeping and I can't escape. I did get bored with it, but increased walking, which is good.
As of today, I have 3 days left of my first 3 month goal line. Which was 22 pounds. I am tech. .2 off. So that is good. In the beginning of this I was considered obese, and now overweight. Also I was a 36 now a 34 for the waist, and my pants and belts are way to big.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

6th Try

I might of tried blogging for the 6th time.

Notice, I placed a second g on blog, when I placed the ING. Is this right? I did that with instinct leading the way.

Maybe, it will stick this time.

I recently turned 30.

As a society, we say TURN. Its like the milk turns bad, the apple turns rotten.

I had a little mid-life crisis.

I just feel like I haven't done much with the life.

I have a wife, and three kids, which is good.

A part time job, which I love, and I take care of the kids, but I get that nagging feeling that I should be doing something else.

I feel older than I am.

On the BMI scale, I was considered obese. (Even though you wouldn't of thunk.)

And I am getting more scared to do new things, and normal activities.

So I am getting worried that I will have diabetes, or a heart attack by the time I am 55.

And that I am becoming an agoraphobic.

And then just plain old considered a loser all my life. Well in my eyes.
This is a very negative thought. Like I said three kids, with a wife. The part time job I love. It is an instructor at Mildred-Elley. I also have a Masters degree in Library Science from Rutgers.

There is a thought that maybe by writing out my thoughts (bad grammar) and all will help me out in some ways.

As the title suggests, blogging about living, playing, eating and parenting. In different ways.
  1. Getting a "you need to know" list. I get the fact there are knowledge books out there, but who cares. I want to create my own. Plus, I want to learn things, and try to remember them that I couldn't do in the past.
  2. Do new activities.
  3. Starting to camp and hike, stuff that I did in high school and college.
  4. Lose weight, and eat healthy.
  5. Open up a used book store, when we finally settle down in a region.

AS far as losing weight and eating healthy, or number 4 on the list. I have been doing this for 3 months.

I weighted 204 and the BMI said I was obese. I first checked my weight on Wii Fit. And decided to lose the most weight in the shortest time period, as deemed healthy by Wii Fit.

That was 22 pounds, by June 11th. 5 or 6 days away from today. But at that time 3 months.

I weigh 183 1 pound away from that goal.

During this period of three months. I started off by using Wii Fit and walking almost everyday, with a strict diet, with smaller portions. I also kept track of all the food I ate on SparkPeople.

At this point, I hardly do Wii Fit, I walk a lot still. And even though I barely keep track on SparkPeople. I do eat a lot less, and still to the calorie count by weighing foods.

Part of my eating habits, were portion control issues, and consistently snacking.

Say I would eat a large dinner, either at home or eating out. Then there was the snacking in the middle of the night. So even more calories being consumed.

In the past I have tried different methods of eating less. Eating every 4 hours, do not eat after a certain time, etc...

This has failed.

So calorie control, lowering the portions has been working.

There has been rules that I try to follow as well.

I'll get to these in the morning. Bed time. It is 1 am after all.